Female Patient - Cystitis and UTI Treatment (archived)

Cystitis / Urinary tract infection

Antibiotic treatments are very effective in treating bladder infections.
A three day course of the antibiotics MacroBid or Trimethoprim is the standard treatment for cystitis.
To order a prescription for cystitis treatment, fill in our brief questionnaire.
Our online doctor will review your information and review whether an antibiotic course is the right treatment for you.
This service is for women only.

How we work for you

  •  €25 / prescription

Dr. Jody is online now

  • Dr. Jody Shanahan-Prendergast


Do you have Hematuria (blood in your urine)? *

Describe your symptoms (especially, bladder, kidney/genitourinary conditions) *

Do you have an indwelling catheter? *

Did this problem occur gradually or all of a sudden?

Have you had a Urine culture? *

Have you any history of frequent infections? *

Have you ever been diagnosed as immunosuppressed with the following infection? *

Did you recently have instrumentation of the renal tract (eg: presence of catheter)? *

Do you have any abnormality of the renal tract (eg: blockage)? *

Other than issues already mentioned, do you have any other significant medical conditions, illnesses or past surgical procedures? *

Any episodes of incomplete bladder emptying? *

Have you resently been prescribed an Antibiotic? *

Have you been - Sexually active? *

Have you a new sexual partner? *

Any other medical information relevant to your treatment request that you think our Doctor should consider?


Do you have a fever or uncontrollable shivering, pain in the flank areas of your back or are vomiting, these are signs of a possible severe urine infection that should be checked urgently in person. *

Do you have abnormal vaginal discharge at the moment? *

Tell us why you think you have cystitis. Please tick ALL of the options that apply. *

Do you have Diabetes? *

Do you have a condition called porphyria or G6PD deficiency? *

ave answerI fully understand the questions asked and hed honestly and truthfully. *