Female Patient - High Cholesterol Treatment

High Cholesterol

We prescribe all common types of statin's.
To place your order, fill in our brief medical questionnaire.
For additional support and information please review our forum.

How do statins work?

Statins are used to control high cholesterol. Your body needs this fatty substance to function. Every cell in your body uses cholesterol to build the membrane in its outer wall. Cholesterol is made in the liver, but can also be found in some foods. Cholesterol is transported around the body by proteins. When cholesterol and proteins combine, they are known as lipoproteins.

How we work for you

  •   €25 / prescription

Dr. Jody is online now

  • Dr. Jody Shanahan-Prendergast


What medication are you looking to get a prescription for? *

Did you ever experience any side effects from taking this medication in the past? *

What current daily dose (Total) are you taking of this medication? *

For what period of time have you been taking this medication? *

Who prescribed your last prescription for this medication? *

While on this medication, during the first year you should have had a blood test taken to establish your liver function. This is generally conducted at 3 months and at 12 months from commencing the medication. Have you had a blood test to establish your liver function? *

Have you met with your GP in the last 12 months to discuss your current medication? *

Have you ever had any of the following? *


Do you have any allergies that you know of? *

What is your current weight (enter as kg)?

What is your current height (enter as centimetres)?

Are you currently a smoker? *

Have you ever been diagnosed with any liver issues? *

Apart from conditions already mentioned in this form, do you suffer from any other medical conditions or have you had any surgical proceedures in the past that you feel our Doctors should be aware of? *

Within the last 2 months have you or are you taking any prescription, non-prescription, recreational/illegal drugs or herbal remedies that you have not already mentioned? *

Are you currently pregnant or do you plan on becoming pregnant in the next 6 months??

Are you currently breastfeeding?

Are you Male or Female? *

I confirm that I fully understood and have read completely all questions in this form and all of my answers are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge. *