♀ Patient - Adrenaline Pen Treatment

Adrenaline Pen

What is a Anaphylaxis?
Anaphylaxis is a severe life-threatening allergy. Normally, the immune system defends the body against threats such as bacteria and viruses. An allergy is when a person’s immune system reacts abnormally to something it’s exposed to- for example, certain types of food, pollen, animal dander, insect bites or medication.

The immune system releases chemicals in response to the trigger.

In mild allergies, this can result in symptoms such as itchy eyes, hives and a runny nose.  However, in anaphylaxis the allergic reaction is much more severe and can happen within moments of exposure to a trigger- a wave of chemicals is released by the immune system, quickly affecting a person’s breathing and circulation. It is a medical emergency and usually requires urgent treatment with an adrenaline injection.

What causes Anaphylaxis?
Following exposure to the trigger, there is a release of inflammatory substances from certain types of white blood cells, which are part of the body’s immune system. These substances have a rapid effect on various parts of the body, including blood vessels, airways, the heart and the gut, leading to the typical symptoms of anaphylaxis.

Common anaphylaxis triggers include: 
    - Foods such as peanuts, treenuts, fish, shellfish and others, 
    - Medications, such as antibiotics, aspirin, intravenous contrast, 
    - Insect stings and bites - from wasps, bees, fire ants,

    - Latex

How we work for you

  •  €25 / consultation

Dr. Jody is online now

  • Dr. Jody Shanahan-Prendergast


What medication are you looking to get a prescription for? *

Requesting an adrenaline pen because? *

For what period of time have you been taking this medication? *

Who prescribed your last prescription for this medication? *

Have you met with your GP in the last 12 months to discuss your current medication? *

Have you ever had any of the following? *

Have you been diagnosed with anaphylaxis? *

Do you have any problems with your liver or kidneys? *

Do you understand that the eClinic online prescribing service can not help you if you're experiencing anaphylaxis now? *

Have you been shown by a healthcare professional how to us an adrenaline auto injector safely and correctly? *

Are you currently taking any of the following medications or treatments? *

Do you have any of the following health conditions or problems? *

Do you know that: Adrenaline injections come with instructions on how to administer them in the patient information leaflet. You should read this thoroughly before you take any medication. However, if you aren't sure on what to do, you should ring your GP surgery to book an appointment with a nurse practitioner or doctor so that they can show you how to self-administer safely. It's also a good idea to have your close friends and family learn how to administer the injection in the event that you can't. *


Do you have any allergies that you know of? *

Are you currently a smoker? *

Apart from conditions already mentioned in this form, do you suffer from any other medical conditions or have you had any surgical proceedures in the past that you feel our Doctors should be aware of? *

Within the last 2 months have you or are you taking any prescription, non-prescription, recreational/illegal drugs or herbal remedies that you have not already mentioned? *

Are you Male or Female? *

The prescription is digitally sent to a pharmacy of your choosing (place Pharmacy details below eg: Stacks Pharmacy / Bettystown) *

I will Upload an image of my previous Prescription to ¬ (https://web.tresorit.com/r#_CdE__iw8G4E01WfmEbJfw) *

I confirm that I fully understood and have read completely all questions in this form and all of my answers are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge. *